Weldmark 2% lanthanated tungsten TIG welding electrodes are made with a ground finish, and blue tip for easy at-a-glance identification. Measuring 1/8 X 7 in, 10 per pack.
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Weldmark 2% lanthanated tungsten TIG welding electrodes are made with a ground finish, and blue tip for easy at-a-glance identification. Measuring 1/8 X 7 in, 10 per pack. Lanthanated tungsten electrodes contain a minimum of 97.80 percent tungsten and 1.30 percent to 1.70 percent lanthanum, or lanthana, and are known as 1.5 percent lanthanated. These electrodes have excellent arc starting, a low burnoff rate, good arc stability, and excellent reignition characteristics—many of the same advantages as ceriated electrodes. Lanthanated tungsten electrodes are ideal if you want to optimize your welding capabilities. They work well on AC or DC electrode negative with a pointed end, or they can be balled for use with AC sine wave power sources. Lanthanated tungsten maintains a sharpened point well, which is an advantage for welding steel and stainless steel on DC or AC from square wave power sources.